Partner Perks

All-expense-paid trip to the
Rocket Pro TPO campus in Detroit

Visit Rocket Pro TPO's Detroit campus for an exclusive in-person session. Created specifically to get insights into current market conditions and provide transparency into what we're doing to help grow your business. Meet top tier leadership, network with other professionals, and influence the future.

Mortgage Sales Training

Rocket Pro TPO's virtual, instructor-led training provides strategies to help you:

  • Provide visibility into loan statuses

  • Provide informed advice to your clients

  • Overcome objections

  • Grow your referral business

  • Prepare for the NMLS SAFE Training course

TPO Platform Training

Level up with continuously updated trainings, such as:

  • Onboarding to new technology

  • Leveraging Pathfinder, our searchable knowledge base

  • Navigating the condo purchase process through Condo Simply